About Us

“Maybe this color,” a designer suggests.

In 2021, the perpetual need to create, share (and earn) prompted a band of creatives led by Aman and Dani to found Maybe This Color, a bottega that produces art, fonts, and wearables. We invite you to explore our various works with hopes that you might subconsciously ask yourself, “maybe this color?”

Meet us


Born in 2000, Dani spends his free time with the arrangement of type, illustrations, and typefaces. He is also a student at Zaytuna College in Berkeley and plans to graduate in 2023.


A son, husband, and a father of 2, Aman was born in 1984 and has been in the advertising game for more than a decade. He graduated in 2006 from Swinburne University, Melbourne with a BA in Art & Design.

We enjoy doing stuff like

  • Art in our own style.
  • Typeface
  • Merchandise.





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